North Side Emerging Leaders Board

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North Side Emerging Leaders Board

The Emerging Leaders Board and Young Friends of North Side

The Emerging Leaders Board of North Side Community School is a dynamic group of 9-13 professionals who raise funds and awareness for North Side. The board meets monthly to discuss strategic initiatives ranging from fundraising to tactical execution of events. A focus of the board is fostering engagement within the greater St. Louis community, and to this end, the Emerging Leaders of North Side group was founded to broaden our reach.

Who are the Emerging Leaders of North Side?

We are young professionals (ages 25-39) who understand the impact of education on our own lives and believe all children should have access to high-quality education, irrespective of where they grow up. We support and rally around North Side Community School because of its outstanding results in closing the education gap in North St. Louis.

What is expected of a Member?

Becoming an Emerging Leader of North Side means that you are committed to serving our children and our community. We founded this group with the primary intent of engaging the hearts and minds of your network in support of our community of children, parents and educational professionals! We expect Young Friends to actively engage with the school whether that means attending a volunteer day, tutoring a child or supporting a Young Friends event. All members also make a small but symbolic financial contribution of $50 per year to the school.

How to Join

To join the Emerging Leaders Board of North Side, make an annual donation of $50 or more.

What Are the Engagement Opportunities for Members?

We have various events happening throughout the year that we strongly encourage all young friends to attend:

Par-Tee with North Side is the Young Friends’ annual engagement and fundraising event.
The Magic of Childhood is the school’s annual fundraiser which is co-chaired by a Young Friend each year.

By being a member of the Emerging Leaders board, you will also be able to (i) stay up to date with the school through our newsletter, (ii) meet other young professionals in St. Louis and (iii) have access to other leadership opportunities at the school (i.e. joining the Young Friends Board, joining a leadership committee and/or joining the school’s Board of Directors).

Current Emerging Leaders Board