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History, A Decade of Growth

North Side Community School opened in August 2009 as a public charter school on the former campus of Emergency Children’s Home (ECHO). We opened because our founders saw a pressing, unmet need for quality, accessible education for children living in St. Louis City, an area heavily challenged by poverty and violence.

In our first year, North Side served 51 kindergarten and first-grade students. The school has continued to grow, adding a new grade each year. In 2011, we launched a pre-kindergarten program that now serves 45 children each year. In 2018, we opened our middle school in Grand Center. We now serve nearly 500 students.

Vision, A Decade into the Future

North Side will remain a financially sound, high-quality public charter school serving low-income, under-served neighborhoods in St. Louis. We will serve students in grades pre-k through 8th grade and work closely with parents and guardians. Parents and the community will appreciate and support the commitment and quality of the school. Our graduates will perform successfully in high school because of the education they received at North Side.

Education Methodology

North Side believes the best method of education is through regular personal attention and family involvement. We are committed to small class sizes that ensure our faculty work closely with our students and their families. To further the close relationships, we are a neighborhood school, predominantly serving the children in our attendance area, a radius of five miles around the school.

Local Focus

North Side was founded by John Grote, Ross Woolsey and Stella Erondu, long-time St. Louis residents and respected education professionals who care deeply about accessible, high-quality education of our city’s children. Our Board of Directors is comprised of a group of community volunteers and business professionals who believe in the power of education.

Mission Statement

The mission of North Side Community School — a charter public school serving urban neighborhoods — is to improve each student’s opportunities in education and in life by developing the skills, knowledge, and personal qualities necessary for success.

Values & Beliefs

  • Every child deserves an excellent education.
  • Every child is capable of learning and succeeding in school and in life.
  • Success in school and the development of positive habits and personal qualities will improve students’ opportunities in and beyond school.
  • Student growth is greatest when we develop strong relationships with students and their families.
  • The academic and personal development of each student is the result of their commitment, discipline, hard work, perseverance, and personal responsibility.

Click here to view North Side Community School’s District Report Card

Click here to view the MO DESE Membership vs. Audit Membership

Click here to view our Plan to Ensure Compliance with Federal Nondiscrimination Guidelines at North Side Community School

Click here to view our Community Letter on Federal Nondiscrimination Compliance